I thought my second post could be about me since you guys know next to nothing about me, hence here are 99 questions I will answer as honestly as possible, I swear!
Where do you consider "home" to be?
I consider home to be where the people I love most and my pets are. But then I really love Wellington so this could also count as home.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, I do.
Are you religious?
I was raised Catholic but I do not know whether God exists or not, thus I would say that I'm an agnostic.
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Right now that would be Belfast in Northern Ireland.
If you could have dinner with any of the presidents, who would you choose? Why?
Barack Obama because I think he's quite a funny and awesome person.
What is your dream job?
Who is your role model? Why?
Dodie Clark and Lorde because what those two have achieved in their still really short life is impressive. Dodie has also been struggling with mental illnesses but is still her quirky, successful and cute self.
Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?
Do you prefer Cheetos or Doritos?
Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
Usually not but sometimes if I have something really yummy at home that I'm looking forward to eating in the morning, I do.
When you go to the beach, do you sunbathe or swim more?
I swim more.
Have you ever ridden a city bus before?
Yes, I have.
Have you ever travelled outside of the country? If so, where?
Yes, I have. I've been to Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, San Marino, Greece, Singapore and New Zealand.
If you got arrested, what do you think it would be for?
Probably watching movies ;)
What if your favourite childhood memory?
Seeing my little brother for the first time and being entirely uninterested.
What was your favourite song two years ago? What is it now?
Dirty Paws by Of Monsters And Men (October 2015)
Ribs by Lorde (October 2017)
What teacher have you had that's made the biggest impact on your life? How?
My maths teacher in New Zealand. She was the only maths teacher that ever made me look forward to my maths classes and I actually understood maths at that time.
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Definitely a cat person.
What is a quote from any movie that you know off the top of your head?
We accept the love we think we deserve. (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
What are you most afraid of?
The sun.
If superheroes were real, who would you want to protect your city?
Iron Man.
What is the silliest reason you've ever cried?
I dropped my hair tie.
If you could be a character on any show, what show would you choose? Why?
Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons from Game of Thrones because she is da Queen.
You're stuck on an island with no way off and no one knows you're there, what three items do you have with you?
A book on how to survive in the wilderness, my guitar and a machete.
What is the name of one song you know all the words to?
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.
Are you a sore loser?
No, I'm not.
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I hate being called out on how small I and my hands are.
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
How can I bury a hidden treasure?
Would you ever strip or pose nude for a photo in a magazine? For a movie?
For a movie maybe, for a magazine no.
What has been your best Halloween costume this far?
A zombie.
Are you stubborn?
Do you sing in the shower? In the car?
Do you take vitamins daily?
Not in the shape of pills.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes, I have indeed.
Can you swim without plugging your nose?
Yes, I can.
Have you ever won a contest?
Do you want kids? How many?
Not really.
Are you missing anyone right now?
Yes, I do.
Do you smile at strangers as you walk by them?
Do you think your life will change drastically before 2020?
Well, that's only 2.5 years away. I really hope it will.
How do you react when people talk badly about you?
I laugh it off; I love hearing gossip about me.
Where did you get the shirt you are currently wearing?
What has been your favourite gift you've been given?
Time I suppose?
If you had to delete one year out of your life completely, which would you choose?
I don't want to delete any year of my life.
What is your favourite thing about school?
Learning new things.
Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mum.
Do you get jealous easily?
I don't think so.
Is there anyone you've ever given up on? Do you regret it?
Well, no, not really.
What is something on your to-do list currently?
Are you over your past?
Are you afraid of dying?
Are you afraid of change?
Definitely not.
Does commitment scare you?
Were you picked on as a kid?
Yes, but it wasn't that bad.
What is one meal you know how to cook?
Scrambled eggs.
How many pillows do you sleep with on your bed?
A lot but I put them away when I go to sleep because otherwise, my back starts hurting.
What is one thing you love about yourself?
I appreciate the little things in life.
What is your biggest insecurity?
My face.
What is the title of your favourite book?
The Hunger Games (all three of them)
When was the last time you felt lost?
Two days ago.
Do you cry when you are angry?
I tend to do so, yes.
Are you excited about anything right now?
I'm always excited about something, so yes.
Nike or Adidas?
Nike. Am I betraying my fellow Germans now?
What is your comfort food?
Do you laugh at the number of this question?
I suppose it's 69, which means yes, I am laughing right now.
Where do you go when you want to be alone?
My room.
Who do you call when you need a little pick-me-up?
My mum.
Do you cry during sad movies?
Depends on the movie.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I don't consider anything I find pleasurable to be guilty.
You're camped out in front of the TV, what are you watching?
Game of Thrones.
Do you have a nickname?
Yep, I have a few nicknames.
What would you eat every day if you could?
Do you collect anything?
If you could kiss someone right now, who would it be?
My cat.
Are you a spender or a saver?
Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my two middle names are my two grandmas' first names.
If you could choose any person in the world to be president, who would you choose? Why?
Kim Kardashian. It would be so, so fucking funny and she'd still be a better president than Trump.
Do you daydream often?
Yes, I dooo.
Do you know how to change a tire?
Do you have a hidden talent?
Well, perhaps but it's hidden really deeply then.
Do you consider yourself artistic?
What is something you can't live without?
Myself? No, just kidding, my cat and tea.
Can you name all 50 states?
I can indeed and I'm not even from the United States.
Do you eat soup with a fork or a spoon?
With a spoon???
Do you remember your dreams?
Quite often, yes.
Are you superstitious?
A bit.
What is one thing you would most like to change about the world?
I want equality for everyone.
What piece of advice would you give 10 year old you?
Relax mate, you're awesome.
Have you ever broken the law?
Not that I know.
If you won the lottery, what would you spend the money on?
AN ISLAND and travelling and I would save a lot of the money.
What was your favourite book as a child? Why?
An Italian dictionary and I do not know why.
Do you snort when you laugh?
Are you a good dancer?
No no no no.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Do you believe in the death penalty?
Are you happy, genuinely, consistently happy? Certainly not consistently but I would say that I am a happy person most of the time.
Well, that was it for now. I hope this post helped you to get to know me a bit better. That's it for today, have a good night, day or morning, wherever you are right now!
Have you ever wondered whether there is an artist that is young, amazingly talented, a fashion icon, not from the US or the UK and also, not so important but still true, really fucking pretty? This kind of artist can't exist, you may think. Well, you are tremendously mistaken! Because someone just like that does indeed walk upon this earth. Her name is Ella Marija Lani Yelich O'Connor a.k.a.Lordeand she is a (still) 20-year-old singer from New Zealand. You might be thinking now "Ohh, I know that chick! Isn't she the one with that Royal song or whatever it's called?". Let me tell you: she is that "Royal chick" but she is so much more than that. And no, she is not only famous for her appearance on South Park!! Here are my 10 reasons why you should listen to Lorde!
from Lorde's Instagram story
1. She is from New Zealand
Ella Yelich O'Connor was born on the 7th November 1996 in Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand and was raised in Devonport (which is a suburb of Auckland, in the North of the North Island of New Zealand). That means you would be listening to a non-mainstream artist from a non-mainstream country! Who even knows where New Zealand is? Exactly, no one! Although you really should because it is quite an astonishing country but that is a different story. There aren't many famous singers from New Zealand except for maybe Brooke Fraser and Neil Finn but, oh wait, hold up, there is one: Lorde whose single "Royals" has sold 5.9 million copies in the US and over 10 million copies worldwide. So if you want to listen to quality made in New Zealand, then go ahead and listen to Lorde!
Ella's accent is the cutest thing you will ever listen to, I promise! Because, as you already know, she is from New Zealand (what, really?) and that's why she has that typical New Zealand pronunciation which makes her distinguishable from a lot of other artists. Just take a look at this short YouTube clip and you'll see why her accent is so amazing.
Lorde has been in the music business since the tender age of 15 and when you are still a teen, then your skin and your body aren't perfect or at least not the way you want them to be but she always emphasised that you do not have to be perfect in order to be great! In fact, when a photo of her on stage in 2014 emerged where her face was edited to look more "flawless", she posted the original on Twitter comparing it to the edited one.
She also talked to a Vogue reporter in 2014 stating:
I think for me to look superhuman would be an insane amount of effort
and I would just be so bored. Even trying to get a little bit
presentable takes a lot of time. I was at high school up until very
recently, and I’ve always had pretty bad acne, and I know what it’s like
to be surrounded by real faces. Coming into the music industry where
everyone is very beautiful, it’s easy to think that that is the norm,
but it isn’t at all. I wanted to make it known to my peers, the girls I
go to school with and young women who are listening to my music, that
you can have flaws and things aren’t perfect all the time. Even the
photography I’m drawn to—thinking about a Ryan McGinley
photo, for example—the people are beautiful and natural-looking and you
can see that sense of youth. That’s exciting to me, more so than a
perfectly primed face.
Lorde has never really adapted to a particular style and has always worn what she wanted to wear, whether it's on stage or out in the real world. "Trends" have never truly mattered to her, at least not in the traditional way and her independent style is unique in the world of music. Although she loves her Adidas Superstar Shoes but, who doesn't? You can see her here at the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco wearing a black Goth gown like no one else does.
5. Her live show is amazing
I was lucky enough to go to one of the live shows of her current Melodrama tour here in Germany, more specifically in Munich, and it was absolutely awesome. The setting was beautiful and her outfits were truly amazing. She talked to the audience during her show which I personally have never experienced at a concert and danced like nobody was watching. She played a wide variety of her songs from Pure Heroine as well as Melodrama and was all in all an impressive performer despite her young age. Here is a recording of Homemade Dynamite I took at her show.
6. Lorde has Synesthesia
She has Synes-what? Here is a short explanation as to what Synesthesia actually is:
Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as sight. Another form of synesthesia joins objects such as letters, shapes, numbers or people's names with a sensory perception such as smell, color or flavor.
In Lorde's case, she connects music to colours which means that every note has a specific colour to her. I think that is pretty cool and also something that, well, not everyone can claim to possess. She tried to explain to Late Night show host Seth Meyers what Synesthesia really is to her.
7. Her face
It doesn't really matter that much but just look at her beautiful face. Just. Look. At. It. It's legendary. Do you really not want to be able to say that you are listening to the music of a girl with a face of an angel?? No, you don't. Her beauty is due to her Croatian and Irish descent, in case you were wondering.
As already stated a few times, Ella is 20 years old, which means she is not even allowed to drink in the United States yet. Young artists like her have so many possibilities nowadays to be successful and yet it's hard for them to remain a star in the music industry, but we, as an audience or rather fans, can help them to stay thriving. We can invest in their music and buy their concert tickets and thus both parties will be happy!
Listening to Lorde's songs will simply give you a fantastic feeling - you can identify with so, so much of what she sings! Whether it's her song Ribs which is about the fear of growing old or Liability in which she comes to terms with her sadness about not being wanted enough. Her lyrics always have a meaning behind them and are never trivial - really, never!
Drew Fortune from Billboard even wrote an article about that which you'll find here.
Interesting fact that also hopefully gives further proof that Lorde is a lyrical genius: the first song on her second album Pure Heroineis "Tennis Court" which begins with the words 'Don't you think that it's boring, how people talk?' while the last song on the album "A World Alone" ends with the words 'Let em talk' and if that is not plainly genius then what is?
I've also got some of my favourite lyrics here from Hard Feelings/Loveless, Ribs and Liability (unfortunately I don't know the sources anymore because I saved those images from Pinterest, so if they belong to you, please contact me!).
I'll put some of my favourite songs (the lyrics are unreal in those) and one explanation of the lyrics of Green Light down below now so you can enjoy the magic, too :D Notice that Bravado is from 2013 which means that Ella was 16 at that time.
10. Lorde is unbelievably talented
She was discovered by Scott MacLachlan at the age of 12 and started writing songs when she was 13; Scott then 'paired' her with producer Joel Little who helped Lorde with the music to her text - she was 15 at that point of time. Her first album - The Love Club EP - came out in March 2013, this means that she was 16 when it dropped. 16. When I was 16, I was a normal student at high school with no idea what to do with my life - and now, two years later, at the age of 18, I still have no clue. Lorde, in the meantime, curated The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I soundtrack when she was 18. All of her songs are written by herself (and also Jack Antonoff, her 'work husband') and are of course also performed by herself - she even reinterpreted the song Everybody Wants To Rule The World, originally by Tears for Fears and it sounds incredible. Now, almost 21, she is on tour again with her Melodrama tour (she just finished the Europe leg) and she is not gonna stop anytime soon because, although she is still quite young, she has achieved a lot - and there is so much more to come.
So those were my 10 reasons why you've got to listen to Lorde. If you still think that you should not listen to her, then it really isn't my fault that you're missing out on greatness.